Life Is...Grievous & Blessed
07. March 2021
We all have defining moments in our lives. That instant when you realize you will never be the same and the world will never look the same again. I experienced one of these moments in early 2015, while working as an adoption case manager, I met with Momma S at a local jail. She had already been to PCC, had been given a pregnancy test, and initially considered terminating her pregnancy. Not surprisingly, the Center staff never knew how this story ended....

Life Is...Complicated & Fulfilling
01. January 2021
As you can imagine, those of us serving our precious moms in the Little White House see our fair share of complicated lives. We do our best, in the short time we are with them to encourage, educate, and empower our moms with hopes that they will overcome the obstacles mounted before them. We do not always know the successes after they walk out the door. So, it is so gratifying when a mom stays connected and allows us to walk beside her.....

Life Is...Surprising & Miraculous
01. March 2019
Momma F was beyond surprised and unprepared when she discovered she was pregnant. She wasn’t sure the timing was right. She made an appointment with an abortion clinic and was given the “abortion pill”. She took it as directed and went about living life, believing that the pregnancy was behind her and she could work on her many life goals. About six weeks later, Sally had still not had a monthly cycle, but she just assumed her body was still adjusting to the pregnancy and termination......